Project Spotlight: Sally Loo's Coffee Packaging

I got to work on this typewriter-friendly coffee packaging concept for @sallyloos in collaboration with Shawn Clark of Cacti Coffee Roasters. Shawn takes the time to hand-type all of beautiful, granular details about the coffee he roasts on each label - the region, the tasting notes, and the roast date, along with hand marking the roast level and process.


Behind the Layout

Early on in the conceptual phase, I brought up some ideas intended to save Shawn some trouble by designing these in a way that would be less work for him, but he let me know right away that he didn’t mind doing the hand-fulfillment. I quickly caught onto the level of care he puts into his craft, and to realized that omitting any part of the hand-fulfillment process wouldn’t be an accurate reflection of the coffee. So off I went, armed with typewriter line height measurements from Shawn!


Ida Mae

There is an antique portrait of a mystery lady hanging up at @sallyloos that is quite beloved, during the design process we felt like she needed to be included in the branding somehow. This little doodle of her has been subtly included in coffee labels and menus for Sally Loo’s (and wherever else I can get away with putting her - keep your eyes peeled 👀).

Lawren Ussery