13 Years Ago


On this day 13 years ago, @charlieussery and I were saying our wedding vows. We were 21 and 22, and basically didn’t know anything about anything, least of all how to be adults.

A lot of people think that age is too young to get married, and they might be right. But on June 6, 2004, Charlie and I started a new adventure: the adventure of growing up together. My husband has taught me pretty much everything I know about real sacrificial love. The kind the takes the mascara streaked, ugly-cry faced human by the shoulders and whispers affirmations of faith, affection, and promise. The kind that keeps seeing potential and possibility even when lights grow dim. The kind that suffers long and loves with abandon, day in and day out.

I’m so grateful and astounded at the enormous blessing Charlie Ussery is, one I certainly don’t deserve. Happy Anniversary, dear, and here’s to 80 more together at least!